Found the new(ish) vintage boutique in Davis Square this afternoon, called Artifaktori. Amazing jewelry, some old cameras (!!), tons of unique clothes, and a few odds and ends (a nice looking typewriter for $30!). If you're in the area, I'd absolutely suggest checking it out. Hoping to interview the owner and maybe arrange an article soon!

Also found this amazing blog called What I Wore. The creator, Jessica Schroeder, has great vintage style and beautiful photographs of all her outfits, complete with stunning detail shots (I've included some here). This girl would make the Sartorialist any day of the week-talk about a passion for fashion. Schroeder started the blog pretty recently (March of 2008) and it's got a fantastic layout as well. She seems to get a lot of things from ModCloth, a site that is currently making me wish I wasn't so poor.
1 comment:
So I just obsessed over What I Wore for a day.
In exchange, I offer you this girl:
I'm partially kidding and partially think that everyone just deserves a spoonful of adorable in their lives.
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