Went to a concert for the first time in months and manohman was it an experience. A new find recommended by my housemate, we caught Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros at TT the Bears in Cambridge.

A folk-rock band from L.A., the Zeros are a pleasant throwback. The ten members packed themselves onto the (very small) stage-what a feat! It became clear from the first song that the Zeros are just one big, happy hippie family, the accordion player in a sort of trance and lead man Alex Ebert prancing around shirtless with his messy hair flopping over into his eyes. My only major complaint about the show? It should have been done in a field, with circle dancing and flower crowns.
My two favorite songs from the lineup were their hit "Home" (Jade Castrinos' voice opposite of Ebert is lovely) and the bouncy "Janglin." Listen for yourself!
My housemate described the concert as "creative chaos" and I think the phrase fits the band. Band isn't even the right term. As one of the musicians states in the LA Times, "We're a kind of art troupe that plays music."
It's also worth taking a look at this bizarre video (part 1 of an eventual 12) that represents Ebert confronting the middle name given to him by his father, a Native American word that means "devil." Apparently that's his father chanting in the beginning, presumably holding little drooling Alex. Creepy.
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