Wednesday, August 5, 2009

living, comically

So thanks to an online comic strip recommendation (thanks KC!) I've started a new little project. The comic, American Elf, is a daily thing done by artist James Kochalka that chronicles his everyday life. Family, friends, and his hometown of Burlington, Vermont are featured in the drawings. I'm still kind of adjusting the punchline-less quality of most of them, as his tidbits from daily activities are usually nothing stellar. It's this banality that actually makes his stuff intriguing, in a weird sort of way. After all, life isn't scripted and not every day is exciting or unusual. I'm trying to embrace American Elf's style by starting my own very simple comic journal/sketchbook, which I'm calling "Living, Comically." It's been a neat way to record some of the small moments of each day, and I have a feeling it'll be entertaining to look back on if I actually keep it up (check out a sample below!). Recording life in pictures is fun. Try it!


mastercraft356 said...

I love this idea. Mind if I try it as well?

jessilynnca said...

of course of course! the whole point of posting it!

pHunt said...

very cool concept!